It certainly feels like summer in Austin. We’ve had a handful of days in the high 90s with spotty rain that has cooled days down into the 80s. I think nights with 60 degree temperatures are gone for a few months, but I could be wrong. Nonetheless, this last week was a great time to have visitors. Susie’s brother (Doug) and his daughter (Lena) graced us for a couple of nights, as they drove west to California. We also had a dear friend, Vanessa, visit from Seattle. Her husband, who recently passed, used to tend bar with me (many many moons ago). He brewed the beer at our wedding.
My folks came down from New England to celebrate our daughter’s graduation from high school. We had a nice gathering of family and friends at UT’s Erwin Center to cheer Pearl as she received her high school diploma and was recognized for receiving AISD’s Trustee Award. We are so very proud of her, as these last four years have obviously been more challenging than a walk in the park. I am pleased with her decision to defer University and take a gap year.
For her gap year, Pearl will be traveling to Israel later this month. She will be attending the wedding of one of my cousins. At the beginning of July, she begins a kibbutz ulpan program where my mother was born. She will be learning conversational Hebrew while working part-time. The ulpan program goes to December. She intends to follow the ulpan program with volunteer service, returning to the US in the Spring.
Susie and I have a few ideas as empty nesters, more to come once our last chick has flown the coop.