This week is the 15th International Brain Tumour Awareness Week, held from Saturday 30-OCT-2021 to 06-NOV-2021. This event is organized by the International Brain Tumour Alliance, and is intended to encourage activities that draw attention to particular challenges of brain tumors and the need for increased research. With us having lived overseas, I’ve received messages from friends in the UK, Australia and Canada about #IBTAWeek.
This leads me to the second part of my blog post. A couple of weeks ago, I learned about Swim Across America. MD Anderson’s Department of Neuro-Oncology organized a team, led by Dr. John de Groot. The team was called “MDAnderSWIM” and can be found at:
Our nephew’s mother-in-law, Carmella Wygant, swam as part of the event. She had Susie’s name written on her right arm. From what I gather the wind was very strong on what normally is a very smooth lake. I recall Susie and Carmella talking about swimming at family gatherings. Sadly due to multiple ear infections, Susie is no longer in the pool. Nevertheless, we are so grateful for Carmella’s efforts to raise awareness and funds for research in Susie’s honor. Below is Carmella’s direct donation page:
Thank you Carmella and everyone who participated in the Swim Across America event!