Sorry for the delay in authoring an update, I was unwell over the weekend. I’m still recovering, so I will be brief. This week was similar to the previous week, except Susie did a few hip checks to garner more independence/ space. She helped make dinner on Tuesday (Chicken, Mac-n-Cheese, Broccoli and Sliced Vegetables) and has been making afternoon tea. We had a lovely meal on Thursday with Jane Gillman. Jane brought over Middle Eastern food from Phoenicia Bakery. Jane is part of Unconventional Mothers of Austin (UMA) and also taught Gabriel guitar. During Gabriel’s senior year, she would join us after a guitar lesson for a bite. Having her with us, was like old times. We were just missing Gabriel, who we conversed about (along with updates on her kiddos).
As to counts and treatment, Susie’s platelets have gone up from 62k to 69k. Her white blood cell totals are below normal, but her Neutrophil counts are in the normal range. Her red blood cell counts have stabilized, but are still low. She is continuing the reduced steroid treatment (hopefully ending this coming week) and weekly immunoglobulin. If her red blood cells do not start climbing, then Susie may go in for another hemoglobin transfusion.
Obviously, we are laying low for Pearl’s spring break. We were hoping to camp in West Texas, like we did last year. I guess we’ll just have to enjoy comfortable beds and a roof over our heads. This means no shocking gun photos of us posted on Facebook.
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