New Year says “Hold my beer”

11 Jan

I think most of us have been looking forward to trying to forget 2020. The word “unprecedented” has been uttered so many times, it reminds me of a scene from the Princess Bride. I’m specifically referring to Inigo Montoya’s response … Read More »

Nana’s Meatball Recipe

9 Nov

Over the last year I’ve been thinking about my great grandmother’s meatball recipe. I’ve asked my parents if anyone was given her recipe, which it seems like the dish died with her. So, I’ve spent a little bit of time … Read More »

Scanxiety and the Human Pin Cushion

29 Oct

Last week Susie had her regularly scheduled cancer follow-up, which happens every four months. Let’s start with the most important detail, which is her scan results show her brain cancer is stable. Stable means no progression of disease, i.e. her … Read More »

Hindsight is 2010

17 Oct

After September’s unpresidential debate, see Presidential Debate Shit Show, we’ve seen Corona Virus (aka SARSCov2/ COVID19) take center stage. This is partly due to President Trump and some folks who attended the Supreme Court nomination announcement for Judge Amy Coney … Read More »

Presidential Debate Shit Show

30 Sep

The first debate between President Donald Trump and former VP Joe Biden happened last night. Susie and I watched with our youngest, who is studying remotely this term. To say the debate was more an argument with some themes thrown … Read More »

Increased Hacking Attempts

25 Sep

As we edge closer to the November elections, I have noticed a disturbing trend. In addition to the partisan screaming from both Democrats and Republicans, I’ve noticed the location and number of attacks trying to gain administrator access to my … Read More »

ABTA Mock Brain Tumor Board

13 Sep

Yesterday and today I joined the 2020 National Conference for the American Brain Tumor Association (ABTA). While I enjoyed yesterday’s webinar sessions, I was particularly looking forward to two sessions being held today (Saturday), specifically a Brain Tumor Board (facilitated … Read More »

Why I Head 2 Hill?

4 May

Most of my posts over the last six years have been related to Susie’s recurrence of brain cancer (a secondary glioblastoma in 2013). I also post about my professional work in artificial intelligence for healthcare and life sciences, as related … Read More »