Colorado River and Mountains

2 Sep

Around the time our eldest came to town for a surprised Mother’s Day visit, we started planning a summer family vacation to Pagosa Springs, CO. We found a beautiful cabin on the San Juan river, about 10-15 minutes north of … Read More »

Hacking Abuse Analysis

27 May

Back in September, in the midst of the 2020 election, I wrote a blog post on seeing a spike in hacking attempts. Normally, I see less than 50 attempts in a month. Since the spike last fall, the number of … Read More »

Antisemitic Attacks in the West

24 May

After the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas went into effect, Jews have been systematically targeted and attacked. Most of the events occurred in Europe and North America, with online documented footage from London, New York and Los Angeles. Not only … Read More »

Nana’s Lokshen Kugel

18 May

There are multiple different types of kugel recipes out there, some sweet and some savory. Traditionally families either did potato or noodle kugels, which is a Yiddish term for a baked casserole. My great grandmother, Edith Entin (aka Nana), made … Read More »

Partisan Social Justice

18 May

This last week we saw events escalate in the Middle East, namely Israel. The Sunday news programs had many journalists postulate the violence was triggered by an eviction court case in East Jerusalem and police storming of Al Aqsa mosque. … Read More »

Brain Tumor Project Update

23 Mar

I recently received an email from Count Me In’s Brain Tumor Project, previously called the “Brain Cancer Project.” Susie and I participated in the launching of the effort with other patients, advocates and the Broad Institute. In addition to volunteering, … Read More »

Follow-up Travel Travails

20 Mar

This last week, we traveled to Houston for Susie’s cancer follow-up at MD Anderson’s Brain and Spine Center. This is the first time, since the pandemic started, we’ve physically met with Dr. O’Brien (her neuro-oncologist). Actually it has been even … Read More »