Summer Graduation

4 Jul

We just returned from a great trip in California. The motivation was our eldest child’s graduation from Cal Poly. He recently completed a Masters Degree in Biomedical Engineering. My parents joined us for the week, just north of San Luis Obispo, … Read More »

Identity Politics

25 Apr

I recently learned the university our son attends, California Polytechnic State University, is experiencing a myriad of clashes related to identity politics.  An excellent summary of recent events, responses and an analysis can be found on the Times of Israel website: BSU … Read More »

Spring Cometh Reflections

15 Apr

This last month has been a sea of changes. Susie officially finished her therapy sessions at St. David’s Neuro Rehab.  She had started physical, speech and occupational therapy around 9 months ago, after experiencing a pontine stroke.  Her St. David’s therapists … Read More »

Grandpa Fred McCarthy

3 Jan

Just before New Years, my father-in-law (Fred McCarthy) passed away.  He was just shy of 95 years old.  Fred and Susie’s mom (Leora) married almost twenty years ago.  Our children have known him as their grandfather.  Fred and Leora have … Read More »

Jerusalem – Domino Effect?

25 Dec

On December 6th, President Trump announced the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and would move the US Embassy there.  His language was carefully worded not to predetermine borders or claims on the holy sites.  He left those elements to … Read More »

Thankful Holiday

9 Dec

In November, Susie had a cancer appointment at MD Anderson.  The short synopsis is her tumor region is stable (no disease progression) and her pons brain stem stroke is resolving.  She now moves to a 4 month interval for cancer follow-ups. … Read More »

Bashana Haba’ah

19 Sep

Tomorrow night is the start of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year (literally Head of the Year). Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), I use the time to reflect on my past actions, thoughts and circumstances from … Read More »

August Road Trip, Heading West

30 Aug

Like our drive to Minneapolis, our journey to the Black Hills of South Dakota was around nine hours.  Susie alternated between the front seat and the back bed I assembled in the rear of our wagon.  As we left Minnesota, … Read More »

August Road Trip, Heading North

29 Aug

With Susie having a good neuro-oncology appointment, we set out on a two week road trip heading up to Minneapolis and over to the Black Hills of South Dakota, estimated at 3,500 miles.  Our first leg was a short drive to Dallas, … Read More »